It’s Thursday night here. Tomorrow is the last Friday of Ramadan.

We have to spend more time with our good deeds.

When someone tries to hurt you this month then don’t lose your sabar. You will get rewarded for any good deeds you do in this holy month.

I have come up with a new topic of how to make our ambition in every part of our age in the right way.

When we grow in age our ambitions also give new energy.

Everything we do changes with age.

Like when we are at a younger age we like to watch TV dramas, movies and also enjoy listening to music.

The age is going so fast for everyone.

You get some disorders in your health while you get to a specific age in your life.

One way is to lose all your hope and go into depression.

Another way is to connect yourself with your religion.

The choice is yours.

You want to have a good exit of your life or you want to have a lesson with someone.

I am not asking to do what you like or not.

It’s your life. You can enjoy your life with whatever things you like.

But is it not good that you give a good symbol to your family and your religion.

Note that all things you do will give you results.

If you work hard for anything you will get it one day. Get your all ambitions fulfilled. I wish you the best of luck for your good life.


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